The weather is wonderful so off went, looking for new child- friendly places.
This place is about 30 mins drive from where we are staying. It is a beer garden, an organic farm, a palace, a farm and has restaurant, capella, playground and lots of open space.
They have llamas too!
What good life they have.
Green house… the vegetables here are served in the restaurant.
And the food is delicious!
Then the barn animals…
The inside of the church/ capella
The German brother hood…
big J enjoyed himself a lot. He was really busy cycling everywhere. Round and round without supervision. And it’s really nice because we can just sit at the bench and enjoy the surrounding while he plays.
The beer garden…
you can bring your own food or just dine in.
There is also guided tour every Sunday at 2pm. 5€ per person. And the money is used for church restoration or for the playground, which is totally fine with us!