The schools are close this week. Thankfully the kindergarten are not. Or else I would be soooo “burnt out” (if it’s a term that mother can use.)
Both kids caught my bug. I’m still not me. Elevated temperature which hovers around 37.4C. I can breathe better now so… I’m getting well soon.
We have visitors this weekend. Yeah!!!! TH’s ex housemate and a Singaporean friend who became his wife.
Match made successfully.
Anyway, they came barring news that they are expecting. Super excited for them because we would be able to travel together again. We haven’t gone anywhere together since Egypt when Big J was 1. And now we have 2 boys.
I passed her my maternity clothes… and told her to keep them in case I decided that I do want a no. 3.
I love kids. I love how big J is so independent how. How he goes to bed himself. How I do not need to chase after him. How sensible he is now.
Crazy hormones…
nope… not till we find a bigger home.
Saturday, we did NOTHING. They were sooo tired. As in the pregger la. And they don’t mind being at home only. Big J was bored to death that he went to nap.

TH made redang for lunch. As requested by the pregger… nasi lemak. Curry chicken and prata for breakfast.
Then we went out for dinner.
This morning, big J made pancakes…
where he was busy eating the icing sugar where we decorate the strawberries…
The last time we met them was 1.5 years ago. I wasn’t even pregnant then. Time flies. And soon lil J would be 1.