Expectation of a mom… weirdly why is it only MOM? Stop judging… I(we) are humans too. I will also be tired, i will also have a bad night, i might even not slept well… i might not want to go out and do nothing all day. BUT NO. I am expected to put on the SMILE and drag myself out of bed to make breakfast, to get the children ready for school/ for the day… then plan the HOME COOKED meals, work, clean, wash… and the millions of mama throughout the day. And the house is neat and tidy before the “man” gets home. So seriously… get a life… stop judging. I get to say if i want to just wear PJ all day. And just because you do not live with me does not means that you know what we have and have not been doing all day or someday. #the3js
Expectation of a mom… weirdly why is it only MOM? Stop…