Not sure if i am the only one who felt that suddenly there are lots of “new traditions” . LNY traditional for me was cannot wear black, cannot sweep/ clean house (1.&2. Day), say nice things… then suddenly during Li Chun needs to buy flowers? Like when do we celebrate that. (Sorry my ILs texted) and li chun was on sunday… so where to find flowers? Of course i can find if i want but like how come??? Then how come cannot wash how during LNY? That person obviously doesn’t live in Singapore… you know how hot it is… and house visiting, sweating and eating non stop. 🤪 And really 2 days don’t clean, u know how much to clean after that… and guess what??? i didn’t know cannot wash clothes too. So is usually vacuum cleaner same as sweep? It’s not really 扫. 吸and keep in the container? 🤣 #LNY superstitions
Not sure if i am the only one who felt that suddenly there are…