Another chance for mala Xiang guo.
This brand is much much better

I have never eaten it in Singapore before.
I assumed it’s like this. It’s not vegetarian… just that we like to have more Veg.
I kept a portion of Aubergine and zucchini for this and the other portion for green curry.

Finally, we finished making this…
I ran out of pink papers (obviously right)

I cut the flowers and J drew the pollen
Branch was from J’s school garden.
Burnt myself from the hot glue.
Random art stuffs that a childless house won’t have.

Shit… am I that old???
I don’t know what is SMH and FOMO.
I really stayed still at lol.

Saw a report on this last year and today it was on ST.
Discussed this with TH last year and ended up telling me to wash my recyclable plastic properly coz they will land in Malaysia.
? not even sure if he was joking or what.